coronary artery

[ˈkɔrəˌneri ˈɑ:təri]
  • 释义
  • 冠状动脉;冠状血管;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Objective To understand the association of carotid atheromatous sclerosis with coronary artery disease in hypercholesterolemic patients.


  • 2、

    A muscular spasm in the coronary artery can cause a heart attack.


  • 3、

    Objective : To investigate the relative rish factors for Kawasaki disease with complication of coronary artery disease.

    目的: 探讨川崎病并发冠状动脉病变的相关因素.

  • 4、

    A thrombosis of a coronary artery is shown here in cross section.


  • 5、

    Coronary artery bypass grafting has made great progress in recent years.


  • 6、

    The left anterior descending coronary artery extends down from the aortic root to the apex.


  • 7、

    The grafted arteryvein bypasses ( that is, it goes around ) the blocked portion of the coronary artery.


  • 8、

    But it is a primary symptom of coronary artery disease.


  • 9、

    Objective To observe the relationship between coronary artery disease ( CAD ) and heart rate variability ( HRV ) and QT dispersion ( QTd ).

    目的探讨冠心病 ( CAD ) 患者与QT离散度 ( QTd ) 、心率变异 ( HRV ) 之间的关系.

  • 10、

    Result: There was statistical difference in the degree of coronary artery stenosis between two groups.

    结果: 两组相比,冠脉狭窄程度有显著差异.

  • 11、

    Transcatheter occlusion of coronary artery fistula is an effective way except operation.


  • 12、

    VDS after artery opening was lower than that in normal coronary artery ( P 0.05 ).

    急诊PCI后 :VDS明显低于冠状动脉造影正常者 ( P0.05 ).

  • 13、

    The animation shows how a aa balloon catheter into a coronary artery narrowed by plaque.


  • 14、

    There are also drugs that can be used to dissolve clots in a coronary artery.


  • 15、

    There is a severe degree of narrowing in this coronary artery.


  • 16、

    Less commonly a spasm a coronary artery can cause a heart attack.


  • 17、

    Background: It is uncertain whether the pathophysiology of coronary artery disease ( CAD ) differs between genders.

    背景: 目前尚不清楚 冠状动脉 疾病的病理生理进程是否与性别差异.

  • 18、

    The mechanism, diagnosis and therapy of coronary artery occlusion without clinical myocardial infarction symptom are reviewed.


  • 19、

    Methods: 80 patients, aged 63±8.4 years, had intraoperative TEE during open heart surgery, including 69 ( 86.3 % ) of coronary artery bypass graft ( CABG ).

    方法: 80例心脏直视手术患者在术中行TEE检查, 平均年龄63.6±8.4岁, 其中69 ( 86.3% ) 例冠状动脉重建术 ( CABG ).

  • 20、

    CFV can be measured in 62.5 % patients by TEE on the left anterior descending coronary artery ( LAD ).

    LAD的冠脉血流频谱 ( CFV ) 检出率为62. 5%.

  • 21、

    Relationship of Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: When is Anticoagulation Indicated?

    冠状动脉搭桥术后卒中和心房颤动的关系 —— 何时提示需要抗凝治疗?

  • 22、

    Objectives To observe the relationship between carotid atherosclerosis and coronary artery atherosclerosis.


  • 23、

    The detection of coronary artery calcinosis increased with aging.


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